Sunday, March 11, 2007

The One Who Started it All

Fido was the first pet here. He is about 12 years old now and low and behold, I had no idea that he was a herding dog until last autumn when Steve and I were attempting to build a goat shelter which was made difficult because goats have a tendency to jump onto your back as you're bending over to build things. So we thought , "They'll be o.k. in the yard" until they started down the driveway. Well I shouted to Spot, the bred herding dog to get the goats and he was too distracted by the horses. Fido went to get the goats and herded them in as if it was textbook. Steve and I stood in awe. We couldn't believe this dog with no herding experience and gosh knows what kind of a mix he is, actually herded these goats. It was funny. Kind of like Babe the pig who herded sheep.

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