Friday, April 6, 2007

Purple Martins?

I bought this purple martin house a couple of years ago for Steve for a Father's Day gift because he so loves his wild birds. Attracting purple martins is quite a different story. It's a very difficult process involving placement of the house in your yard, timing, other birds in the area. Well, we were unsuccessful and in the end, ended up with a house full of sparrows. So here sits the sparrow condo.


Anonymous said...

Hi Callie,
The photos on this blog (one of your many!) remind me of our life right now in California. We are just here for the winter, but we visited the Redwoods on the way down, and have a ton of pictures similar to yours. We also have a pack of dogs, with four permanent ones and two part-timers.
I'm off to check out your other blogs in more detail now. Read you soon!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I remember that being the same way when my father bought himself a purple martin house as well.

In all of 10 years only one pair of purple martins chose to call his house their own.

So, why do people love to draw purple martins to these houses anyway?
Do they have a beautiful song?

And where do they nest if not in these pretty houses?

So many questions.