Friday, May 18, 2007


Over grown by weeds, my little flower garden. That will be remedied tomorrow when Steve and I go and purchase the latest of weed whackers. A push weed whacker. Yeah!!!!


Rising Rainbow said...

Oh, Dave would like one of those. He's been whacking all over the place getting ready for our open house and is complaining (guite loudly) about how much the darn thing weighs and his back getting tired.

allhorsestuff said...

HI ther Callie..went looking for you after your nice sentiment about my mare Washashe. I am the one that is in Oregon and trailrides tons.

I love your looks so much like mine! I spent more time with the horses than with the homefront this it is all leaves to be racked up!
Seeyou around!

Debra Trean said...

love the list of pets you have you are alot like US.... we have two horses, three dogs, three cats, three ferrets and two

Love finding others that dwell with the critters as I do.

Shauna said...

I am new here! What an awesome blog :)

Modern Knight said...

The can supplies the best saddlery at unbeatable prices.