Friday, May 18, 2007


Over grown by weeds, my little flower garden. That will be remedied tomorrow when Steve and I go and purchase the latest of weed whackers. A push weed whacker. Yeah!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Guard Lions

This cracked me up. Steve sitting on the swing and the only black cats we have, one on each side of him lounging in the lounge chairs on our deck. Pywackette to Steve's left and Zeke on the other side.

Monday, May 7, 2007

My Lilacs

It smells so nice this time of year between the lilacs and the plum trees blooming. I wasn't sure if they would bloom because they had started to bud and we had a cold snap and snow and ice after some wrm days, but it wasn't enough to damage them. Thankfully!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Finally a pic of poor old George the ferret. George is about nine years old now. He's thin and a bit feeble but still hanging on. He eats and drinks. Pees and poops and if you've ever had a ferret, well you know. I'll say this, I'll never keep ferrets again. Only because they require a lot of time and I feel guilty because I don't think that George gets the time he deserves.


Zeke is always elusive. It's taken me dozens of photos to try and get one where he's not moving and here it is.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Herman's ears have fallen and they can't get up!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Purple Martins?

I bought this purple martin house a couple of years ago for Steve for a Father's Day gift because he so loves his wild birds. Attracting purple martins is quite a different story. It's a very difficult process involving placement of the house in your yard, timing, other birds in the area. Well, we were unsuccessful and in the end, ended up with a house full of sparrows. So here sits the sparrow condo.